Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping)

What is Emotional Freedom Techniques/EFT or Tapping?

EFT/Tapping is a quick, non-invasive system of tapping on the body's select meridian points while using intentions, thoughts, and emotions. This tapping with intention triggers an emotional release within our emotional body which in turn allows us to release the blocks that hold us hostage to our past.

EFT/Tapping provides relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, and physical diseases. While EFT/Tapping is newly set to revolutionize the field of health and wellness, the healing concepts that it’s based upon have been in practice in Eastern medicine for over 5,000 years. Like acupuncture and acupressure, EFT/Tapping is a set of techniques which utilize the body’s energy meridian points. You can stimulate these meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power. Your body is more powerful than you can imagine… filled with life, energy, and a compelling ability for self-healing. With EFT/Tapping, you can take control of that power.

Progressed and popularized by Gary Craig of www.eftuniverse.com, EFT has been used by individuals and expert practitioners to eliminate all types of emotional, mental, and physical maladies.

EFT Tapping Therapy Is Helpful With the Following Emotional Challenges:

Stress & Distress, Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Trauma, Abuse & PTSD, Depression, Shame, Guilt, Low Self-Esteem, Grief & Bereavement, Love Pain, Fear of Rejection, Insomnia, Fear of Public Speaking, Phobias: fear of flying, mice, snakes, etc., Addictions: alcohol, drugs, smoking, food, gambling, etc., Weight Loss/Emotional Overeating, Eating Disorders: Anorexia & Bulimia

EFT Tapping Therapy Can Help With the Following Physical Problems:

Chronic Pain, Allergies & Sensitivities, Autoimmune Disorders, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Cancer Support

EFT Tapping Therapy Can Be Used to Greatly Enhance:

Intimacy & Relationships, Career, Finances, Achieving Goals, Public Speaking, Sales Performance, Sports Performance, Artistic Performance

What the Research Says

EFT/Tapping has proven to be a useful technique for a wide variety of disorders or illnesses; in various studies, EFT/Tapping has successfully treated anxiety disorders, depression, hostility, aggression, posttraumatic stress disorder, addictions, phobias, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, panic, attention deficit disorder, hypertension, social anxiety, career issues, and somatoform disorders.  EFT/Tapping also has improved colds, headaches, joint pains, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, rashes, lower cortisol levels, irritable bowel syndrome, and fibromyalgia.  Let’s take a closer look at some of these studies and experiments.

In a case study cited by Feinstein (2010), a 52 year old woman with stage IV breast cancer decided against conventional medicine interventions and instead used EFT/Tapping on numerous personal issues that surfaced after she was diagnosed.  The patient received six clinical EFT tapping sessions, lasting 60 to 90 minutes in length, then continued to use the methods daily until a follow up examination eight months after the diagnosis; the appointment revealed no trace of cancer, but some scar tissue where the cancer had been (Feinstein et al., 2010).

Stapleton, Sheldon, Porter, and Whitty (2011) conducted a randomized clinical trial on the effects EFT/Tapping exerted over food cravings, the perceived power of food, psychological symptoms, and will power of 96 overweight and obese adults.  When the researchers initially retested the participants, immediately after receiving their EFT treatment, the participants had significant reductions in food cravings, food wielded less power over the participants, and will power was improved.  The improvements in cravings and the power of food were maintained at the six month follow-up.

Another randomized controlled study performed by Church, Brooks, and DeAsis (2012) with 30 first-year psychology students scoring in the moderate to severely depressed ranges on the Beck Depression Inventory.  The participants in the experimental group received four EFT/Tapping sessions of 90 minutes; the treatment proved to be both clinically and statistically significant, as the average post treatment depression score of the EFT condition group resulted in not depressed.

In a controlled pilot study by Benor, Ledger, Toussaint, and Hett (2009) with Canadian college students with severe to moderate test anxiety, EFT accomplished benefits equal to that of five cognitive behavioral therapy sessions.

Research was undertaken by Dr. Dawson Church. His team performed a randomized controlled trial to study how an hour-long EFT/Tapping session would impact the stress levels of 83 subjects. To do this, Dr. Church and his team measured their level of cortisol, a hormone secreted by the body when it undergoes stress. Their findings? The average level of cortisol reduction was 24%, with a whopping reduction of almost 50% in some subjects! In comparison, there was no significant cortisol reduction in those who underwent an hour of traditional talk therapy.

Dr. Church also created The Stress Project, which teaches EFT/Tapping to war veterans suffering with PTSD. The results have been astounding: an average 63% decrease in PTSD symptoms after six rounds of EFT/Tapping. It’s mind-blowing and exciting research, which has converted many non-believers in the scientific community along the way. All signs indicate that this trend of revealing research and swayed skeptics will continue as millions of people around the globe continue to discover the power of EFT/Tapping.

See more at:  www.thetappingsolution.com