Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

What is Past Life Regression?

Using Hypnosis, you are led back to your earliest memories and then even further back to previous lives where you can examine the experiences.  It�s healing the soul by healing the past.

Why Past Life Regression?

Curiosity or a path for personal growth and healing.  You can address current problems through memories of past lives.  You are able to release fears, phobias or traumas.  Past Life Regression is a form of healing.  We carry things from our past lives that affect us now; we can release negative patterns and reinforce positive ones.  We can find out who you are and why you are here.

How long is a session and what to expect?

A session is about three hours.  In the first part I like to do an interview, similar to a traditional counseling session.  We will talk about why you want to do a Past Life Regression and what you would like to accomplish.  We will go over different aspects of your life where I will try to get a sense of any patterns that may connect to past lives.  This process prepares your unconscious for the Past Life Regression process.

After that, we move on to the Past Life Regression.  The Past Life Regression itself usually lasts from 60 to 90 minutes, or longer if necessary.  Typically, a client can experience one to three lifetimes during the session.

I leave time after the Past Life Regression for us to talk about the experience and answer any questions you may have.

We are located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Thank you.